Wisdom or Money?

There is an interesting verse tucked away in the book of Ecclesiastes 7:12 “Wisdom is a shelter    as money is a shelter,but the advantage of knowledge is this:    Wisdom preserves those who have it.” I just looked it up: I preached from the book of Ecclesiastes 9 times over the years. This would indicate that it was not my go-to book of the Bible. That does not do away with the fact that…

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Solomon’s Paradox: Even Smart People do dumb things

Do you take your own advice? Some of us have nearly perfected how to give good advice to others. Some of us, by vocation, are in positions where our opinions and counsel is sought out. observation, practice, and circumstances have developed an ability to help people see their problems and solutions more clearly. Now the next question? Are you good at taking your own advice? In other words, do you…

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13 Ways to Live Wisely

What is a proverb? A good definition of a biblical proverb is “a short saying that expresses a general truth for practical, godly living. a biblical proverb is “a short saying that expresses a general truth for practical, godly living. The book of Proverbs reminds us that a lifetime of following God and living a wise and disciplined life leads to good results. We may not see day by day…

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