Start Small

When you begin to think about making changes in your life often, the thought is to “go big or go home.” Taking significant actions seems at first to make sense: ‘if you are going to make needed changes, why not go all in?’ I, too, at one time, believed this mantra and set out to change my life in significant ways and in just a few days. Only in a…

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Prepare Or Repair, The Choice Is Yours!

Three cheers for spontaneity. I love to live in the moment and remain open and flexible. With all of that being said, I am all in on routines and preparation. Routines are the bookends to my day. They create boundaries and give direction as well as breaking larger projects into smaller more manageable actions. Over the years I have developed a series of routines that prepare me for the day…

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The Power of Morning Routines

Routine. What comes to mind when you hear this word? Habits? Plans? Boring? For most people, it is somewhere between the ordinary and the mundane. Routines produces your habits. Habits can be good or bad, and the same is true for routines. To cultivate good habits, you must have dedicated and consistent routines. It is hard to eliminate bad habits. I have found that it is easier to exchange a good…

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