Moving Forward

These are interesting days we are living.  A few weeks ago, we would never have guessed where we are today.  Life can and will take a few twists and turns and a detour periodically thrown in for good measure.  There is only one way for you to go, and that is forward!   You may be tempted to run and hide, but ahead is the correct course and the only way to move through any…

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The Half-Way Point

Having just passed the halfway point for the year, it seems like a good time to see where we are regarding our goals and plans for the year. The unexamined life is not worth living said, Socrates. You should evaluate where you are more than twice a year. The halfway point is time to take a ‘deep dive’ and really see where you are progressing, what changes you need to make,…

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Small Steps lead to Big Changes

When you are certain that there needs to be a change in your life, and you are ready to commit yourself to make the change, your natural inclination is to go big! You decide to take bold steps and go for massive dreams and make the major changes that are needed. That is the usual way it works. What follows next is as predictable as the sun rising in the…

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How Do You Know You are Heading In The Right Direction?

You do not have to read much today to be made aware of the fact that everyone is ready and willing to give you advice! There are times when you wonder “am I the only person who does not have life figured out?” Many people seem confident that they are on the right track. At times you are left to wonder if this true or just over-confident bluster? Today let…

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How Much Time Do you..?

Nearly everyone I meet informs me that they are busy and that they cannot fit one more thing into their schedule. Busyness is what is keeping them from adding to and subtracting from their schedules. They cannot make necessary changes because there is no more room in their schedules. Let’s talk about your schedule and life for a moment. How much of your time is dedicated to things you have…

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What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?

Confidence is a wonderful attribute. Being clear with your plans and aspirations is also a good thing. In the midst of living life and serving God, there are seasons of “not quite knowing.” This does not mean that you have lost faith, or you feel hopeless, or that you are backslidden. What it means is that you are unsure of the next step you are to take. For many, we…

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Goals alone may not be the answer!

People who succeed wildly have goals. They write them down read and reread them often. Perhaps they even say them out loud and repeat them before going to bed and say them again when they get up in the morning. People who do not succeed have goals as well! They did not achieve them or got distracted or for any number of reason failed to reach their goals. So, it…

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Time For A Mid-Course Correction

    It may seem a little early to bring up the subject. Usually, people do not talk about mid-course corrections until several months into a new year. First, let me define the term: “a navigational correction made in the course of a ship, airplane, rocket, or space vehicle at some point between the beginning and end of the journey.” I fly several times a year. I leave point A…

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Okay Now What?

      The Christmas gifts have been put away or returned. Taking down the decorations and putting the house back in order has begun. Before long the children will be back in school and the work routine has started. Routine is quickly becoming the order of the day. Late last fall when we were hip deep in routine, we longed for a break. A break from our schedule, a…

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How do I keep what is important in front of me all the time?

      What are you doing?  I know you are reading this blog, but I mean, what are doing in your life intentionally?  How do you keep what is important in front of you all the time?  It is getting to that time of the year when New Years resolutions are starting to fade into the background.  You were so excited about the possibilities of change and choices you were going to make as…

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