Goal Setting For Those Who Don’t Set Goals

Is there something you would like to accomplish?  Perhaps, you would like to be more efficient as well as more effective.  One way, actually the best way is to write out some goals.  Before you do this, you need to do some praying, dreaming, planning, and really deciding what you want to accomplish.  One important thing to remember about goal-setting is that it is not the goal that matters it is the subject matter…

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How to Create a Better Future?

Regardless of where you find yourself today, you can create a better future. What changes do you want to happen in your life? The future has not taken place, but for it to be better, you will more than likely need to make some changes. One thing that keeps most of us from making the changes and taking the steps needed to create a better future: FEAR! Some are fearful of having to make…

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The Half-Way Point

Having just passed the halfway point for the year, it seems like a good time to see where we are regarding our goals and plans for the year. The unexamined life is not worth living said, Socrates. You should evaluate where you are more than twice a year. The halfway point is time to take a ‘deep dive’ and really see where you are progressing, what changes you need to make,…

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Small Steps lead to Big Changes

When you are certain that there needs to be a change in your life, and you are ready to commit yourself to make the change, your natural inclination is to go big! You decide to take bold steps and go for massive dreams and make the major changes that are needed. That is the usual way it works. What follows next is as predictable as the sun rising in the…

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How Do You Know You are Heading In The Right Direction?

You do not have to read much today to be made aware of the fact that everyone is ready and willing to give you advice! There are times when you wonder “am I the only person who does not have life figured out?” Many people seem confident that they are on the right track. At times you are left to wonder if this true or just over-confident bluster? Today let…

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Four Reasons to set goals

Goal setting is more than just an interesting idea or subject. If we do not have goals we have no idea of what we are doing or if we are on target. Aiming at nothing may make one never lose or feel badly, nothing is ever accomplished as well. In football a field goal is not counted unless the ball passes through the uprights. Why set or be concerned about…

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What are your goals?

Goals.  Walk into any bookstore and ask an employee if they have any books on goals or goal-setting, then be prepared to be directed to more books than one could read in a few years.  We have been told all of our lives that we must have a goal or goals.  Likewise we have been implored to work on and toward our goals. Why do so many not reach their…

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