
How do you make decisions? Do you have difficulty making a decision? What are the ingredients that make for better decisions? When you are about to make a decision is the best place to ask yourself why? Why do you need to make this decision? This question gets to the heart of the matter. This is a different reality than fear. Oftentimes fear keeps us from making decisions. Facts must…

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How to Create a Better Future?

Regardless of where you find yourself today, you can create a better future. What changes do you want to happen in your life? The future has not taken place, but for it to be better, you will more than likely need to make some changes. One thing that keeps most of us from making the changes and taking the steps needed to create a better future: FEAR! Some are fearful of having to make…

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I heard Seth Godin speaking on a podcast. The intriguing thing that he said was whenever he asked a person what they do for a living they answer him with a position or a job title. For instance, when asked what do you do for a living you might respond I’m an attorney, a doctor, an engineer, a schoolteacher or I work in an office or I’m a pastor. Seth…

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